Saturday, 24 February 2018

Can you get ostomy gear online?

With 2021 being here and the entire economy changing so must we.  It has been a crazy shift in the whole shopping world to buying online.  Ecommerce is not the only way some people can shop thanks to the totalitarian regimes the United States has become.  WIth all of this craziness happening one question I receive frequently from newcomers to the ostomy world is,  “Where do I buy my stuff?”  They have just been inundated with massive amounts of information from the hospital, ostomy nurses, and surgeons and still don’t know where to buy their gear from.  Honestly, there are more important questions they should be asking and lots of information they should be learning.  But the costs of having a stoma does creep up in their minds and they want to get the best gear for their buck.  Lots of my friends are avid outdoors enthusiasts and let's face it are super gear nerds.  They will research forever and what we most rely on is experience and information.  I usually use large online manufacturers for my gear.  I like the quality and the quick shipping.

This has been a long transition but for many, they must make it now because they have no other options.  I certainly didn’t start purchasing from there in the beginning.  And I usually tell my newly found friends to start where I did, at a pharmacy.  If only to talk to the pharmacist.  Local Pharmacists are usually amazing and very helpful.  This is because they run a business.  Yes, they are there to be profitable and most of the time that means they get the best products for their money that people will repeat purchase.  Repeat buying is huge for pharmacies.  More so than many other businesses so they are more apt to purchase great products.  This also means they have talked to lots and lots of people in the same situation as you and have lots of feedback on ostomy gear! It's a wonderful thing and it is also a great way for newcomers to the ostomy world to talk about their stoma and ask questions and answer them from a stranger.  It sure helps to start with someone that cares instead of having a terrible experience as your first ostomy conversation. 

So there is more now than there ever was 5 years ago.  Now online retailers are a great place to go and before that Youtube is a great resource of information on the subject.  Lots more people will talk about the products they like and the reasons they use them and the situations they use them in.  I learned about the big online industry and from there and what drew me to them is the fact that they offer samples of their products.  It sure does help to try out a specific bag and belt for outdoor use before paying lots of money to buy a pack of them. 

That is why I ended up with that brand.  So be wise, ask lots of questions and watch a few videos and find what works best for you.  I think that you can also get reviews and social media information that can really help in this area as well. Don't leave out the experience of those who are willing to share it with you.  That is worth its weight in gold.