
One thing no one wants to experience is an ostomy leak. It can be so discouraging (and quite honestly embarrassing) to experience a leak. Leaks are especially common at the beginning while everything is healing and the person is still getting used to their ostomy supplies and how to care for their ostomy. If a patient is experiencing several leaks in the beginning, it is likely that this number will decrease dramatically as the stoma heals. Leaks will also be less common because the person will become more comfortable and more successful with their ostomy supplies. They may even need to try out several types of supplies before deciding.

Most patients report trying at least 6 types of ostomy bags before they find the one fits best for them. And even then, they usually report occasionally trying over bags just to see if they like something better. Another product that patients try out several different kinds of is adhesive. Some people may prefer tape, some like paste, and others may like gel. There are so many options that can please so many different types of people. So, while it may be frustrating to experience frequent leaks at the beginning, a person will learn what works best for them and their body just from trial and error over the first several months.

Veteran ostomy patients recommend carrying around a pouch of extra supplies at all times. Even if they have not experienced a leak in years, they keep the pouch on them just in case anything were to happen. The pack should include a stoma bag (in case it needs changed), adhesive remover spray, a package of wet-wipes, and deodorant spray. It is better to be stuck and be prepared than to just be stuck with nothing at all.

In the early months it is also recommended that people set a few alarms a day to check their stomas. After the stoma starts to heal and the pain subsides, many patients sort of forget about their ostomy bag because they are not used to handling it. Setting alarms reminds them to check every few hours to see if the bag needs emptied or air needs to be let out. Leaks can happen from the bag being too full. So, to prevent leaks people should check their bag often. It is especially important to set an alarm in the middle of the night to avoid accidents in the bed. When they are asleep it is hard to know when the bag is too full.

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